Borobudur: The Grandeur of the Past for the World Heritage

Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The location of the temple is approximately 100 km southwest of Semarang, 86 km to the west of Surakarta, and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. Wikipedia

History Borobudur temple,
Borobudur was built in about 750 AD and estimated to be completed in 825 AD during the reign of the Sailendra dynasty, while the construction itself was designed by the architect at that time a man named Ghunadarma (present Ghunadarma be made one of the names of universities in Indonesia ).

This monument consists of six square terraces on which there are three circular courtyard, the walls are decorated with original reliefdan panel 2672 are 504 statues of Buddha relief Buddha.Borobudur have the most complete collection in the world. The main stupa in the middle teletak once crowned this building, surrounded by three rows of circular 72 perforated stupas in which there is a statue of Buddha sitting cross-legged in the lotus position perfectly with mudra (hand gesture) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).

This monument is a model of the universe and was built as a shrine to honor Buddha also functions as a place of pilgrimage to lead mankind to switch from natural lust to enlightenment and wisdom according to the teachings of Buddha. The pilgrims enter through the east side begin at the base of the temple ritual by walking encircle this sacred building clockwise, while continuing to ascend to the next steps through the three levels of the realm in Buddhist cosmology. The three levels it is Kāmadhātu (the realm of lust), Rupadhatu (the realm of intangibles), and Arupadhatu (the realm of the intangible). In this journey the pilgrim goes through a series of hallways and staircases with no less than 1,460 witnessed the beautiful relief panels carved on the walls and balustrades.

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According to historical evidence, Borobudur was abandoned in the 14th century as the weakening of the influence of Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms in Java as well as begin the influence of Islam. The world began to realize the existence of this building since it was discovered in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who was then serving as the British Governor General of Java. Since then Borobudur has suffered a series of rescue and restoration efforts. The restoration project was held in the period 1975 to 1982 for the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and UNESCO, and the historical sites included in the list of World Heritage Sites.

Location And Structures,
Borobudur temple site itself is located in the district of Borobudur, about 3 km from the city Mungkid (capital city of Magelang, Central Java). System terraced pyramid structure of the composition of andesite stone blocks that interlock. The size of the base area 123 × 123 meters, 35 meters high now, the original height of 42 meters (including chattra).

With the size of the Buddhist temple of Borobudur became the largest and most complete relief of the world was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Borobudur At Present, 
In today Borobudur is still used as a place of religious ceremonies Buddhists, especially on the day of the Buddhists, such as ritual celebration of Vesak and is still considered as a sacred place for the followers of the Buddhist teachings, many pilgrims who came from all over Indonesia and even Buddhists around the world. in addition to the Borobudur temple is also at present into tourist attraction most visited by tourists inside and outside the country as well as cultural and historical research center. Awesome.,

Declares the reviews of Borobudur, please leave feedback or also suggestions via the comments or via email to make me better in writing or make the article, thank you very much

Debus: Integration Between Agility and Martial Arts

Debus: Integration Between Agility and Martial Arts

Debus is a martial art from Banten who demonstrates remarkable human ability. For example invulnerable weapon, hard water resistant and others.This art originated in the 16th century, during the reign of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin (1532-1570). At the time of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (1651-1692) Debus becomes a tool to pump up the morale of the people of offerings against the Dutch colonialists at the time. Debus arts is now a combination of dance art anf sound.(

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Tradition Agility contest Garut sheep were Stimulating Adrenalin

Karapan Sapi : Between Tradition and prestige of Madura Society

Performances ability to withstand the physical torture such as being beaten with a cane, rolling over the expanse of sharp thistles, walk on hot coals, chew glass and others. many of us have encountered as traditional art common in villages. This one, the game is terrible whistle. These games are located in different areas such as Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, West Java and Banten. Of all the most famous whistle of Banten.
Debus is an art show in groups with the number of players as much as 12 to 15 people, each of which has the following tasks:
1. 1 person interpreter drum
2. 1 drummers song
3. 2 drummers dogdog tingtit
4. 1 drummers kecrek
5. 4 as penzikir (pray)
6. 5 players attractions
7. 1 as sychu

The show began with the opening (bloat), by reading sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad, praise and remembrance of God to the accompaniment of percussion instruments for approximately three minutes. Then the chant sung in the form of dhikr out loud, shrill, blared the accompaniment of drumming. This section is called Outs and performed until the show ends.
Along with outs began, silat attractions with bare hands demonstrated. After that some players start points using a belly piercing whistle like Gedebus, peeling coconuts using the teeth, broke the coconut shell with the head, and then eat it. Cut off parts of the body such as the tongue, hand or leg with a machete, knife or machete. Also there are attractions crackers or fry an egg on top of the head, limbs burning with fire, climb stairs or occupy constructed from a very sharp cleaver, and rolled on top of a pile of glass (shard) even eat it. Things ended with Gemrung, the game of musical instruments drumming.

This information was taken from various sources.

Game Crazy Bamboo Society Maluku Tradition And The Full Mystical

Bamboo is a versatile plant is known in almost all the countries of Asia and South America as the stems of plants has many uses. Starting from being a raw material for making houses, rafts, ladders, and others. But in Maluku, bamboo is also used as a mystical exciting game. The game "Crazy Bamboo", or Reed Crazy or Bara Suwen is a game that makes players touched the supernatural world.

Maybe you will be wondering, full of curiosity when it witnessed traditional game of this one. How not, a bamboo rod is able to control some of the people who hold them, and even if there were not strong enough to withstand bouncing motion of bamboo. Well, here's one from Maluku traditional games are quite famous and a tourist attraction when visiting the region.

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The objects used in the game is only a piece of bamboo, with a length of about 2.5 m and a diameter of 8 cm. But there are also some areas in Maluku that use percussion instruments in addition to accompany the game. For the bamboo itself, not just bamboo can be used. Only local bamboo area which can be used, and even then had to be done before a special ritual in the selection of bamboo.
To start the show handler burning incense in a coconut shell with a spell in the 'language of the land' which is one of the traditional language of Maluku. Then exhaled smoke of the incense on bamboo sticks that will be used. If using the ginger is chewed by the handler while reciting a mantra and then pumped into the bamboo. Function or ginger incense to call the spirits of the ancestors so give a mystical power to bamboo. The spirits that make bamboo rods as if craze or shaken and the increasingly strong and difficult to control.
Typically, in various attractions that involve hawa mystical, is people who are possessed by a mystical spirit but in this dance called the mystical spirit transferred into the bamboo. When the handler chant repeatedly, the handler then shouted "Crazy, crazy, insane!" Crazy bamboo Things began. The music starts playing when the seven men who hold the bamboo began to feel a jolt of bamboo crazy.
Bamboo seen to move themselves when the handler exhaling smoke and spitting ginger to bamboo sticks.

The men who embrace bamboo began removing their power to control the strength of bamboo shocks. When the rhythm of the music start accelerating, bamboo gain weight and danced with strength in it. Things crazy bamboo swoon ended with the fall of the players in the show ring. The unique thing of this show, crazy bamboo mystical power will not go away before being fed fire burned through the paper.

It is said that once, the rulers of the Sultanate of Ternate utilize Bamboo Gila handler to bring the boat that was created in the mountains, to the coast. Today, in addition to performances, science Crazy Bamboo is used to help move the ship aground. Motion in bamboo dance crazy signifies unity in the community. Compact motion and rhythm is a symbol of the spirit of mutual cooperation.

That is one of the diversity of Indonesian culture and tradition rich in the values ​​of unity and mutual cooperation because essentially game Crazy Bamboo contains philosophy will together bear the same weight and the same lightness in the case, which became the basis of the foundations of public life in our country Indonesia, Awesome ...
Karapan Sapi : Between Tradition and prestige of Madura Society

Karapan Sapi : Between Tradition and prestige of Madura Society

Karapan Sapi (bull-race) is a term to describe a bull grandstand race comes from the island of Madura, East Java. In this race, a pair of cows interesting sort of timber trains (where the jockey standing and controlling the bull pairs) driven at a speed race against race couples other bulls. The race track is usually around 100 meters and racing competitions can take about ten seconds to one minute. Some cities in Madura bull-races organized in August and Septembersetiap year, with the final at the end of September or October in the former City of residency, Pamekasan to compete for the trophy of the President. In November 2013, the organization was renamed the President Cup into Governors Cup. (Wikipedia)

For the people of Madura, bull-races is not just a party of the people that the celebration held every year. Bull-races is not just a tradition carried down through the generations from one generation to the next. Karapan Sapi is a prestige pride that will raise the dignity in society. The history of the origin of the Kerapan Sapi no one knows exactly, but based on oral sources who inherited known that Ox Kerapan first popularized by Prince Katandur comes from the island Sapudi, Sumenep in the 13th century originally wanted to utilize the processing power as a cow paddy.
Departing from the persistence how to work the bull plowing, tilling the land of rice fields, it worked and the barren land was turned into fertile soil. Seeing a good idea and bring positive results, of course, residents of rural communities to follow the footsteps of her prince. Eventually the land around the island Sapudi previously arid, fertile land can be planted with rice. Results panenpun abound and be a fertile area to prosper.

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Tradition Agility contest Garut sheep were Stimulating Adrenalin

After harvest time as an expression of the joy of abundant harvests Prince Ketandur had the initiative to invite people in the village to hold a cow race. The area of ​​paddy land that has been harvested acreage used for bull race. Finally traditions bull race Prince Ketandur idea until now that is constantly evolving and preserved. Only the more popular the name was changed to "Kerapan Sapi" (bull-race).
Agility contest bull is eagerly awaited by many people, especially for those who want menecari entertainment at holiday time or photographers who want to capture the rapid movement of cattle run from the starting line to the finish. Besides the traveler who wants to know the native tradition of Madura from various locations ranging from local to foreign tourists gathered together to watch the racing pairs of cattle.

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In bull-races, a pair of cattle driven by a jockey who called artisan tongko. Jockey stands on kaleles pulled by cows. Jockey controlling cow standing in a high speed on the track. The length of the path is usually between 100-200 meters that can be reached within 14-18 seconds.
To see the excitement Racing Bulls that will pump adranilin please visit Madura island around the month of August to November because the month is the culmination of Racing Bulls on the island of Madura. Please comment or send an email if you have any questions or give input to me that in the next post to be much better. thank you
Indonesia Awesome.
Tradition Agility contest Garut sheep were Stimulating Adrenalin

Tradition Agility contest Garut sheep were Stimulating Adrenalin

Art contest Garut sheep is a tourist attraction that we usually watch at certain events, especially in June, August and December in the village Ngamplang, Cangkuang and Ranca Bango Garut.

Garut sheep bout event is usually accompanied by various attractions of traditional art music sound system that uses a large and well attended by the community agility contest Garut sheep lovers from all walks of life and parts of the countryside outside Garut. According to the story, the history of Garut sheep originated from the reign of Regents magnifier Legawa circa 1815-1829, he often visited a friend one perguruannya named Haji Saleh, who has a lot of sheep. One sheep owned (si Lenjang) requested by the regents to be mated with the sheep in the Hall kabupten named Si Dewa (the Gods). Si Toblo, who is the son of the god and the Lenjang breed and produce offspring Garut sheep until now. Sheep have characteristics that are typical of sheep in the regions outside Garut.
Physical stocky weighing about 60-80 kg, horns large and thick, mostly white coat color and ear ngagiri. became one of the dominant characteristics of sheep there. The subsequent development of sheep breeding arrowroot focuses on two main objectives, namely as a producer of meat and for pleasure or hobby.

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At its core is a showcase pitting dexterity livestock, which in turn will raise the prestige of an association of certain livestock. The participants are breeders of sheep scattered in almost all western Java, especially areas arrowroot, Sumedang, Bandung, Majalengka and others. Event pitting held every year with the system of competition, almost every month this activity rotating in the regions.

Before competing in the art of stunt sheep, the sheep are divided into class A, class B, and class C according to the weight of sheep. If I still call class A for the weight class, middle class class B, and class C to class lightweight. The rules that applied was very tight in the game agility, it is intended that the sheep do not hurt, upholding the principle of animal wellfare.

Punch the maximum allowable only 20 times in one game. Stunt Games led by referees and overseen by a board of judges, and jury. The criteria determined by the quality blow champion, playing style, agility, physical beauty, agility, and so on. In the arena two sheep collided aggressiveness.

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Sale and purchase header alternates between these two sheep. Believe it or not, I think this sheep high level of intelligence, when told his coach retreated, they According to retreat, and when told to move on, they attacked without hesitation. Uniquely dexterity game is also accompanied by Sundanese traditional music to further enliven the atmosphere. During the game, the owner of the sheep and friends sepadepokan will dance to give encouragement to the sheep who are competing at the edge of the arena. Atmosphere of cheerfulness seen clearly.

You are interested please come to the town of Garut, West Java, there will be presented a very entertaining aktraksi also boost your adrenaline, not only that there can also be viewed directly Garut sheep farming history is also the origin of the tradition of agility contest Garut sheep
Mystical Beauty of the Beach Parangtritis

Mystical Beauty of the Beach Parangtritis

South sea island of Java known Indonesian people in general and Java in particular is known full of mystical also mythical Queen of the South Sea, better known by the name Nyi Rorokidul but behind all that saved also the beauty of the beach beaches one of which is Parangtritis (Jogjakarta),

Parangtritis very closely with the legend of the Queen of South. Many Javanese believe that Parangtritis is magical kingdom Ratu Kidul gate which controls the southern ocean. Hotel Queen of the South is a resort named after this legend. Unfortunately, this resort is rarely open when used to have a view that could make us breathless.
Parangtritis located 27 km south of the city of Jogjakarta and easily accessible by public transport which operates until 17:00 pk well as private vehicles. The afternoon before sunset is the best time to visit the most famous beach in Jogjakarta This is because when the sunset that's the charm of stored real in Parangtritis we are treated to amazing views as the sun slowly sinking diupuk west as if swallowed by the Indian Ocean with Accompanied orange redness around it really scenery feast for the eyes with the sound waves that sweep along the coastline.

But if you arrive more quickly, it could not hurt to go up to the cliffs of Gembirawati behind this beach. From there we could see the whole area Parangtritis, south sea, up to the horizon. Maybe not many people know that in the east the cliffs have hidden a temple ruins. Unlike the other temples located in a mountainous area, Temple Gembirawati just a few hundred meters from Parangtritis. To reach this temple, we can pass the ramp near the Hotel Queen of the South and into the walkway to the west about 100 meters. The faint rumble of the ferocious sea waves south could be heard from this temple.

But it is a pity the tourists are prohibited from swimming beach Parangtritis because it is very dangerous for the tourists and the many victims because the ferocity of the waves,The resulting suction strange waves called rip current.
Although visitors are prohibited from swimming, Parangtritis not lack the means to having fun. On the beach there are rental ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle), the tariff is Rp. 50000-100000 per half hour. Another option is the gig. Down the sand surface smooth waves washed with hansom 2 is no less enjoyable. The buggy will take us to the east end Parangtritis place so beautiful coral clusters spotpemotretan often used as a pre-wedding photos.

Parangtritis also offers excitement for those who traveled with the family. Flying kites is equally enjoyable. Strong sea breeze which was very helpful to make a kite flying high, even if you have never played a kite though.

So a few reviews about the beauty of Jogjakarta Parangtritis hopefully could be a reference your holiday. Awesome
5 Most Haunted Places in Indoneia

5 Most Haunted Places in Indoneia

Indonesia, dubbed as Zambrut equator because so many wonderful places in it, trovic large extend forests, mountains towering mountain that is also high, as well as the beaches that exotic beaches, making it one of the countries that became a tourist destination of the world community. Every year Indonesia tourism continues to increase local and international tourists.

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But do you know of so many tourist attractions in Indonesia there are some which are still very strong with things mystical and save stories scary stories also myths even called austere. And on this occasion I will discuss places of tourist attractions in Indonesia's most haunted. Perhaps this will be a reference your holiday vacation who want the thrill of the ordinary or could be called extreme and adrenaline for those of you who like a challenge.

Here is a five tourist spot in Indonesia's most haunted

1.Temple Underwater (Bali)
Bali may have been known as the number one tourist spot in Indonesia, and who do not know the beauty of the island dubbed the island. But Salain beaches beautiful beaches and exotis there is also a tourist spot in Bali is still a mystery and haunted overwrite one of these underwater temple. If you want to travel a ghost place extreme underwater temple is the answer. Haunted places in Bali is located in the village of Pemuteran, Gerogak, Buleleng, Bali.

One of those places is the main attraction in Bali, was first discovered by a tourist from Australia named Chris Brown in 2005. If you want to visit a haunted place in Bali, you should think twice. Because, at the temples have highly turbid water. Visibility was around it was barely visible.The poor condition of the water around the temple under the sea is what makes this place awesomeness. You will find it difficult if diving at this place.

2. Tana Toraja,South Sulawesi
within 130 km from Makassar, has the natural scenery that was amazing granite, green rice terraces in the hill country and also the burial complex that can make the hair shudder, but more exciting if we can traveled here to coincide with the funeral ceremony which is commonly called 'Signs tuka ', Or signs Solo in Tana Toraja, but the bodies were not buried in the place in tongkonan (traditional house) diacara also held cutting buffalo. besides that we also can visit the various types of burial here as in 'Kambira' dead baby in the tree, 'Stone tumonga' dead corpses dibatu and rantepao

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Some of the graves there still looks new. There are also sculptures newly created as a preparation for a funeral as the last people who died.
"He might look small, it is actually a hole in it big. They can accommodate several bodies,"

Each side of a cliff on the hill was covered with a replica of a human grave. I had rounded the cliff to the different sides and always find the graves of another., The back and hidden, meaning the person caste or lower levels.

3.Mount Merapi, Central Java
mountains in Indonesia, especially in Java, has long been believed to be the residence of the jinn. Similarly, the Mount Merapi is located in Central Java and Yogyakarta.

Occult phenomena are difficult to explain with science often occurs in this mountain. One of the strange events that are often found climber is gubrah market or markets are believed to be the unseen spirits market. This market looks like a regular market, but appears in the middle of the mountain at midnight. In the morning, the remnants of the market completely disappeared and no trace at all.

4.South Beach Java 
Be careful while visiting the beaches in the south of the island of Java as Parangtritis in Yogyakarta or Pangandaran beach near Ciamis, West Java. Because the beaches are known to have high waves and strong that often casualties.

However, local residents believe that the phenomenon of drowning victims in the south beaches of the island of Java is not only due to the strong currents, but because of the influence of other creatures that are invisible.

Yes, the south coast of Java Island is believed held by a supernatural creature named Ratu Kidul. Travelers are advised to maintain the words and deeds during the visit South Beach. In addition, a growing myth states that travelers should not wear the color green because the color is a favorite of the Queen of South.
If you want to feel the mystical atmosphere in South Beach, silakang stay at hotels near Parangtritis.

5.Lawang Sewu,Csntral Java
Lawang Sewu is a historic building that was built by the Dutch colonial government, on February 27, 1904. Originally the building was set to be used as Het Hoofdkantoor van de Nederlansch Indies Spoorweg Maatscappij (NIS) or Office of Private Railway Company NIS. Previous activities carried out in the office administration NIS NIS Samarang Station.
But the growth of the railway network which is fast enough, and need for increasing the number of technical and administrative personnel is not a little due to increased activity of the office. One result that the office manager at NIS Samarang Station is no longer adequate.

The NIS also rented several buildings owned by private individuals as an interim solution. But it is considered inefficient. Not to mention the existence of the location Samarang NIS stations located in the area of ​​the marshes to matters of sanitation and health was an important consideration. Then it was decided to build administrative offices in new locations colonial building in the wake of the Dutch era is indeed well known, not only as a tourist spot, also all-an nya..aura mystical horror in the ini.konon, if you want to see the residents of this place should come over at 11 pm, 3 floor residents demons like noni pretty much reveal itself here.

Thus five tourist attractions in Indonesia is considered haunted, may add a reference you who like a challenge to come and vacation Indonesia.salam
Sentani Lake: The lake is Rich Legend and Culture

Sentani Lake: The lake is Rich Legend and Culture

In the time immemorial, some people ancient of Papua New Guinea to travel long drive a dragon. They are looking for new territory to be occupied and plan settled there.
However, unfortunately dragon that they drive does not able to fly farther and finally fell bolted to a large lake. The dragon eventually die submerged in the lake.
However, not the case with the fate of a few riders the dragon. They survived and stuck on the body parts dragon poking out of the surface of the lake.
Finally, they were stranded in the lake and stay in the body dragon who died. According to legend, head of the dragon be the island in the east side of the lake, the tail into the island on the west side, and the body into the island in the middle and named Island Asei.
The lake is the lake Sentani and until now citizens Sentani believe their origins begins with the story of people Papua New Guinea riding a dragon. Starting from legend riders this dragon, Lake Sentani be a lake are well known in Papua province.
Who are in southern district Jayapura this has an area of 9.360 hectares and depth of 70 meters under the sea level. The area lake which is a single unit with nature reserve Mountains Cycloops has a beautiful scenery and will be full of cultural values. Sentani Lake be one of tourism seed owned Papua. Lake with a view of stunning this covers 24 the village with a variety of art as well as culture of interest to the tourists. In fact, in the opinion of some local residents, handicrafts such as painting bark, and rock paintings including the results of art of the best in all the earth Papua.
Not only culture and arts, Lake Sentani also known for its natural wealth an incredible. Biodiversity in the form of the Tree Matoa, Tree Penang and White Wood be a typical plant which often found around the lake. In addition, the various types of fauna land and water like butterflies, Tilapia, Fish Lohan, and Fish Tawas, widespread in waters around Lake Sentani. In fact, said to Shark Saws fresh water is rumored to extinct, once the animals typical Lake Sentani.

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Attractions: Cave Fetalasa, Tello on the islands of Nias Island,

Attractions Mount Galunggung West Java,

Conditions tourism of interest is not only stop natural and cultural wealth. A variety of these advantages brought to the level of the further by the Government of the area through the Festival Lake Sentani. The festival held once a year, usually in mid June. Festival commonly held in the region Kalkote, the edge of the lake Sentani presents a variety of cultural arts and local. Residents of which is generally worked as fishermen, making this event as a means of promotion of culture Sentani.
They show dance, handicrafts, even a variety of cultural products other is uniquely and beautiful in the annual festival this. Lake Sentani are in the region Sentani, the district capital Jayapura. This lake can be reached for 15 minutes from the airport Sentani and stretching along the way to the city Jayapura. breeze a cool and tranquility of peace will feel when entering the Lakes region Sentani. In fact, to further fused with nature Sentani Lake, tourists can get around and visit the islands in Lake Sentani with a hire motor boat available. It was, not enough day to enjoy the beauty of Lake Sentani.
But not have to worry, because around the lake and the city Sentani already available inn inn with an affordable price if necessary to stay. Sentani Lake is a beautiful lake which will be full of natural beauty as well as the uniqueness of value of the local culture. After enjoying it, we will be sure how beautiful rich Indonesia this beloved. Awesome Indonesia

Gili Air, Inch Underwater Paradise - Lombok Island Tourism ...

Gili Air will be presenting to you a natural water park wondrous. Because named "Air", then on this island you can perform various activities related to water. Gili Air Lombok is located on the western side sea of Lombok island. Gili around this, you can explore at least 5 special point where you can say hello Sea Horses, Turtles, a variety of fish with different colors, as well as other sea dwellers.

When you're planning to travel to Lombok, Gili Gili Air is one that you must visit. Gili local people call it by the name "Tengaq Aiq", which means "in the midst of the sea". The original inhabitants of Gili Air majority coming from Sasak and Bugis. As a supporter of daily life, they eyed as fishermen, traders, as well as tour guides.
Gili Air is usually visited by tourists in July-August. Most visitors are from overseas, such as Australia, Britain, France, Netherlands, Italy, and other countries. There are many domestic visitors who are in this Gili, so do not be surprised if you see a lot of foreign tourists. The foreign tourists are very interested in this Gili, because the beauty of the beach and sea views held Gili Air. Not to mention if you peek at the underwater scenery is amazing. So that the favorite activity in Gili are snorkling and diving.

Exploring the natural underwater in Gili Air, you can visit the 5 favorite places are presenting to you under water scenery. Namely Water Wall, Water Slope, Frogfish Point, Segaluh and Malang Reef. There you can enjoy the beauty of a row of coral reefs and fish with interesting colors. These places are a paradise for lovers of underwater sports. your passion will be satisfied anyway with a unique, which is owned by each place. For example Water Wall, at this place unfolds like a coral reef wall. You are also very easily can find Sea Horses and Turtles are interesting. If interested, you can rent snorkeling or diving equipment, along with professional dive guides.

Read more: Prambanan&Histories

Not only that, you also can surf in Lombok's Gili Air. You just have to be patient waiting for the right time to surf, when the surf was up and be beautiful. While on land, you can jog along the shore. There are jogging tracks lined with tropical plants as a fence. On the side of the shoreline, sunbathing while enjoying the beauty of the scenery can be a perfect alternative activity. To maintain its natural beauty, Gili Air there are no motorized vehicles. If you want to get around this Gili, you can hire Cidomo or cycling.
On the side of the East coast of Gili Air, Northwest, and South America, you can visit cafes and restaurants. You can also spend the night at the villa and lush tropical bungalow with a thatched roof. The facility mnyuguhkan at you convenience, privacy, and stunning white sandy beaches. As well as the views of other earthen Gili Gili Air that surround this. In the evenings, you can enjoy a romantic dinner, with views across the sea of ​​flickering lights that looked like fireflies.

To achieve Gili Air is not a difficult thing. You can reach it from the city of Mataram, with ground vehicles up to the pier Ward. Ward trip to the pier you can take about 1 hour. From the pier Ward, you can cross by boat about 15 minutes away. You can also cross over from Senggigi Lombok with the long journey of about 1 hour. Some top class hotel facilities include a pick-up, if you book a room for the night.

For a perfect holiday, you should visit also Gili Air and Gili Meno. Gili Trawangan you can enjoy various beach party with a variety of events. While in Gili Meno Bird Park you can visit and Lake Brine.

Traveling Tips

• To be able to enjoy nature Gili Air with satisfied, you can get around by foot, or rent Cidomo and cycling.
• To shorten the travel time, a more practical way to visit Gili Air is by renting a motorboat.
• You can also get the facility of a private motor boat, by renting rooms in hotels that provide these facilities.
•Namely the upper middle class, or a minimum of five-star.
• Do not forget to wear sunscreen and sunglasses, and protective headgear.
• Feel free to bring cash in large quantities, because in Gili Air there are no ATM machine facilities.

Additional Information and Map

• Village Gili beautiful, District Winner, North Lombok.
• Ticket Price: Free.
• Best time to visit: Drought, or about May to August.
• General facilities: Motorboat common for crossings (Rp. 8000-25000 per person, usually crossed at 08:30 and evening), bike rental (Rp. 30,000 per day), Cidomo (Rp. 100,000 per unit for one-way).


Flakes of Heaven on Earth Called Raja Ampat Indonesia

Awesome Indonesia,Not complete it when he speaks of tourism in Indonesia when skipping one tourist destination is the underwater beauty is extraordinary beautiful even already very global beauty yai Raja Ampat Papua.
Raja Ampat Islands is a series of four adjacent islands located in the western part of the Bird's Head (Vogelkoop) Papua Island. Administratively, this cluster is under Raja Ampat, West Papua province. The islands are now a destination for divers who are interested in the beauty of the underwater scenery. Four islands that are members named by the four biggest islands, namely Pulau Waigeo, Misool Island, Salawati Island and Island Batanta.(wikipedia)
Raja Ampat islands travel destinations offer many charms of biodiversity, which is arguably quite abundant. Here you can find about 540 species of coral and 1,511 species of fish. 75% of coral species are found all over the world are here, which is around 10 times the number of coral species has ever been found throughout the Caribbean. You'll also find 27 species of fish that exist only steps here. In addition here too there are five species of sea turtles step, 13 species of marine mammals, and 57 species of mantis shrimp. So you can imagine the uniqueness possessed by this tourist destination.

History and Myth Raja Ampat 

Raja Ampat The name is derived from local stories. According to the story, there was a woman who found seven pieces of eggs. The eggs then hatch, 4 of which hatches into a prince, while three other eggs hatch into a woman, a stone, and ghosts. 4 The prince later became kings in their respective islands, namely Pulau Misool, Waigeo Island, Batanta Island and Salawati Island and finally called as Raja Ampat.

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The following places you should visit when you tovisit Ampat

Misool Island
Turquoise clear sea water coupled with a cool breeze makes us want to immediately throw themselves in the sea. One of the privileges of the island of Misool Raja Ampat is a wealth of incredible underwater. Guns will regret snorkeling and diving in the sea because of Raja Ampat archipelago of Raja Ampat entered the world's coral triangle and save 75% of ornamental fish.
Misool Island has a fairly complete facilities for traveled for example lodging, homestay even you can also stay at luxury inn in Misool Eco Resort.

Salawati Island
If Misool Island has many tourist facilities, is slightly different from Salawati island. The island is known for its natural virginity. Almost 3/4 of the island is covered with dense sago tree with no one to plant, grow naturally. Plant and animal known to be very diverse interest to many researchers.
The atmosphere in the island is very quiet and calm. Here tourists can also see waterfalls, dance wor and bunkers relics of World War II.

Wayag Island
Take a look on the internet about Wayag Islan, you will see an amazingly beautiful picture that maybe you've never met in any world.
Wayag became famous since 2009 since the island's photographs circulating on the Internet. Activities that must be performed on this island is witnessing its beauty from the top of the cliff that could climb in less than 30 minutes.
Having reached the above looks bright and the dark blue sea with small coral hills from the sea floor. Your visit to the district of Raja Ampat in West Papua is not complete without visiting Wayag. Spending time on the beautiful beach or snorkeling and diving are also frequent travelers who visit.

So little discussion about the Raja Ampat islands may add insight and make the Raja Ampat one of your goals for the tour.
Hidden beaches in Bali Must Immediately You Visit

Hidden beaches in Bali Must Immediately You Visit

When it comes to tourism in Bali is not endless. coast line which has often touched by tourists such as Kuta beach, Dreamland, Lovina and others may not be familiar to the ear. Eiiiits But make no mistake, because there is still the Hidden Beach in Bali is located in areas that are still beautiful and clear of rubbish former visitors. therefore, we recommend these shores soon you visit. because the day will be more widely known and will result in tourists coming hectic as in the Kuta beach. coast want to know anything? let's peek

1. Tegal Wangi Beach
Tegal Wangi beach is one of the beautiful beaches that are hidden in Bali. This beach is located in Jimbaran Village People, the direction of the road to Hotel Ayana Resort. If taken from Ngurah Rai international airport will take about 30 minutes. Then follow the instructions the way to Pura Tegal Wangi, the expanse of blue ocean is right across the temple.

If taken from GWK take the road to InterContinental Bali Resort, then take a left at the intersection when large. Follow the road Karang Mas continued till past two giant cliffs, then turn left again because if you actually head to right and Jimbaran Four Seasons Café. Ayana Arriving at the entrance gate, turn right and you've arrived at Pura Tegal Wangi. Before reaching the beach there will be a high cliff where if you stand there, you can see the expanse of greenery is also the location of Ayana Resort and Rock Bar.

Access to the beach Tegal Wangi or so-called "Hidden Jimbaran Beach" is not difficult, atmosphere is also still quiet because it includes a private beach belonging to the Ayana Resort but outside visitors are still permitted to enter. Visitors will be spoiled with a view of the clear blue sea water and rocks cliffs that surround the beach, so it's no wonder many people who use these settings for shooting prewedding.

Highly recommended to try diving or snorkeling on this beach because the underwater scenery is not inferior to other beaches. besides that here is also not too many people who sell, so it's recommended bring lunch if you want to linger here.

2. Karma Kandara Beach
Karma Kandara Beach also includes a private beach, so special for visitors who stay at Karma Kandara Resort. If you want to visit the beach Karma Kandara but reluctant to stay, it will be charged an entrance fee of Rp. 250,000 / person and make a deposit of Rp. 100,000 / person to eat / drink.

This beach is located in Ungasan Village, District of South Kuta, Badung regency. Access to the beach is also somewhat quite difficult because they have to walk through a narrow hallway between the temple and the hotel is up to the cliff height of approximately 150 m and down the stairs a number of 340. If the distance from the international airport Ngurah Rai or Denpasar will take about 30 minutes, enough to take the direction the road to Uluwatu, about 1 km before meeting the gate leading to the beach Dreamland, left the road there is a sign that read Karma Kandara and Di Mare, follow these instructions until the end of the road and then take the direction to the left towards Di Mare (restaurant of Karma Kandara Resort ) and a temple, you can park there, then to the right towards the hotel.

although the beach is hidden, but the name was already quite well known to the extent that there are some Hollywood artists linger, such as Julia Roberts and Lindsay Lohan.

3.Green Bowl Beach
Green Bowl is located in the southern part of the island of Bali which is more dominant landscapenya into the hills. Green Bowl beach is famous because the waves are high, so for you who are looking for the right location to surf it never hurts to try to come here. The beach is also often referred to as Bali Cliff or Hidden Beach because it is located in hilly areas.

Green Bowl means green bowl, called so because when the tide is low, the cluster of surrounding coral will confine residual water and forms a natural pool, almost like a giant jacuzzi. On this beach there is also a cave inhabited by hundreds of bats, the tourists are permitted to enter and take shelter inside the cave but must stand the smell of bat droppings that stung.

Access to Green Bowl is quite easy because you're going down a smooth road is paved, if taken from Kuta and toward the pedestal, about 1 km from there will be no intersection and then turn left, then follow the road straight up stuck approximately 3.5 km, then you will see the gates of Hotel Bali Cliff, nah Green Bown is located just behind the hotel.

4. Amed Beach
Amed beach is perfect for you who like diving and snorkeling, for its underwater beauty is not lost with the beach of Tanjung Benoa. you can see turtles, reef sharks, and coral reefs under the sea depending on the depth achieved.

On the beach there is a lake that is usually made training for diving, but for the inexperienced or do not dare to dive, snorkel activity was no less fun. There you will be accompanied by guides who are experts and equipped with international standard equipment, so no need to worry.

Amed around the coast there is also a village called Village Jemeluk who have pieces of coral-coral beautiful by its citizens sold as cinderamata.Para visitors should hire a boat to get to the village Jemeluk. About 10 m from the shoreline you will find the Japanese patrol boat in World War II maa already sunk.

Amed beach is also not too crowded, so for you who like to sunbathe while drinking coconut ice and enjoy the noise of the waves alone, this place is very pasuntuk made remarkable destinations. Plus the surrounding landscape's brilliant create photographed.

Amed Beach is located at the East end of the island of Bali, exactly in the District Abang, Karangasem, When taken from the Ngurah Rai international airport and then through the streets ByPass could take about 3 hours.

5. Finn's Beach
Finn's Beach is one of the other beautiful beaches are hidden in the bottom of the hill, the access to this beach must pass through winding streets, but very much worth the sights offered. you have to pay 250 thousand rupiah, 100 thousand for the entrance fee and free towels, and then you will get a voucher for a meal and a drink in the restaurant and bar at 150 thousand.

There also prepared umbrellas and sun beds, as well as canoe if you are interested in playing in the beach area. Based on a review rating ever come to the beach Finn, this beach must to visit because it has a shape and a unique location, surrounded by green hills whose color contrasts with the blue waters of the beach Finn himself.

6. Dream Beach

Many people who think Dream Beach is tantamount to Dreamland beach, Eits make no mistake, this beach is located on a small island in East Bali, the Nusa Lembongan. This small island famous for its beauty and has been touched by many local and foreign tourists. but not everyone knows where this lovely beach because it is hidden behind bushes and trees. to come to this beach you have to climb a speedboat from Sanur or Tanjung Benoa, which will take approximately 30 minutes.

how, are interested in visiting one of satuPantai Hidden in Bali? It's OK as long as you always remember to maintain cleanliness in the beach area so as not to dirty as the other beaches are already crowded, yes!

