Sewu Tample : Meaning of Tolerance and uniqueness

Candi Sewu
Not far from the Prambanan temple there are no less exotic, the temple was built around the 8th century named Sewu. There is no definite explanation about the name of this temple, but some say, Sewu name given because of the large number of temples in the complex Sewu. Another source said, if the name comes from the legend Sewu Roro Jongrang.

Historically, Temple Sewu initially named Manjus Ri Grha  which means House of Manjusri. It is said that Manjusri is one Buddhisatva name in Buddhism. Based on these inscriptions, then entered the ranks Sewu Buddhist temple in Indonesia. It was contained in the tablets in 792 which was found in 1960.

Visitors can enter Sewu from various directions. At first glance, if observed, the main door of the temple are in the eastern part. Because, in the eastern part there are two statues Dwarapala, namely statues guard. The main temple is shaped polygon with about 30 meters high whose sides are stupa. Had suffered damage caused by the earthquake that occurred in 2006, the stake of the temple is now strengthened with a more solid foundation.

Many believe Sewu and Prambanan Temple is an area formerly used as a hub in the various sectors of life. As the spread of Hindu-Buddhist, and political center of urban life. The opinion was reinforced by the position of Prambanan and Sewu adjacent to each other that stretches from the slopes of Mount Merapi to the borders of Klaten.

Traveled to Sewu with family is one right choice. In addition to its location not too far from Prambanan, Sewu temple complex is also not as hot as it is surrounded pohoh-shady trees.

Visited Sewu means also learn the meaning of tolerance that has been in Indonesia since the days of ancient Java. This is shown by the position of the temple adjacent to each other despite the different breath, Prambanan Hindu breath while Sewu flavorful Buddha. (Indonesiakaya)

The uniqueness of the Temple Sewu
Candi Sewu
Sewu temple is a temple that is 999 because temples are approaching 1000 that's why the call but has not yet reached the temple sewu 1000. The temple is also included Buddhist temple in the village Bugisan, sub Prambanan, Klaten regency, Central Java. This temple is a temple mixture of Hinduism and Buddhist religions which is made from rocks that adds to the beauty of this sewu temple. The temple is made because the prince and the queen of every religion and the queen asked for the request to the king to make 1000 temples with overnight until sunrise, but when the sun had risen manufacture of the temple was unresolved. The temple is made by either the front page of the temple which is limited by a solid fence as a gateway into the temple, and the gate was located on each side of the wind.

Candi sewu has many temples in it, there are ancillary temples temples are complementary in the courtyard of the temple sewu scattered in the temple area sewu consisting of 240 pieces with a small size which adds to the impression that is unique from the temple sewu is perwara increased the number because of the temple sewu because a lot of numbers. Candi wedge slightly larger than perwara yet utamalah temple which has a larger size, the location of the temple enclose also scattered in the courtyard of the main temple of the number of temples wedge too much and increase the number of the main temple. The peculiarity of this temple because their numbers are almost reached 1000.

Temple sewu made in tourist attractions, the temple is very nice because the temple has beauty inside and outside the temple. The temple is also not far from lor temple, the temple and the other to be biased to facilitate the visitors can also come to another temple just to enjoy the scenery here and in other temples. Much has been kecandi sewu because this temple has a difference in the number of temples located around the main temple, in addition to the uniqueness of this temple scenery also makes visitors come to this sewu temple. (pakairansel)

Historical Travel Megalith Site Padang Mountain, West Java

Mount Padang is actually not a mountain, but Mount Padang is a building site from the prehistoric Megalithic Period-shaped Pyramid. The building is located on the border of the hamlet of Mount Padang, Karyamukti village, Cempaka subdistrict, Cianjur regency - West Java.

The building is located at an altitude of 885 meters above sea level, a building area of 900 square meters. There are 20 levels of terracing with a site area of about 3 hectares. There are 20 terraces with the main zone of about 25 hectares. Padang Mountain site into a complex of terraced southeast Asia's largest.

Physically, Mount Padang is not a mountain as its name suggests. It caused segigita equilateral shape resembles a mountain. Mount Padang is a man-made structure berbetuk pyramid covered with volcanic ash and the outside overgrown trees.

Yet according to research geologist, found a room in a building that is buried in the ground, there are also other buildings that allegedly cave or hallway. Other artifacts were also found in the form of a suspected stone arched entrance bangunnan and musical instruments undulating stone which if hit would issue a different tone.

There are also relics such as drawing or writing on bermukaan man-made stone patio section, but the script and the image it says it has yet to be revealed.

Padang Mountain site was first known to exist as revealed by Rapporten van de Oudheidkundige or the head of the archaeological Department Bulletin in 1914. Then, also in 1949, the Dutch historian named NJ Krom had expressed this site. But until now, the site is not medapat serious research.

In 1979, locals reported any parallel piles of stones that form a rectangle that the steps leading to Mount Gede. From the results of literature review found Bujangga Manik originating from the 16th century.

In the manuscript mentioned their ancestors revered place of the Sundanese named "Kabuyutan" upstream Ci Sokan, located around the site. Meanwhile, according to legend, the site of Mount Padang is a gathering place for indigenous leader Ancient Sundanese people routinely to be used as a place of worship.(

The discovery of archaeological sites of Mount Padang in Cianjur in West Java has been tumultuous. Because the stone sites in Cianjur This is the largest and oldest megalithic sites in the world. Not only archaeologists Indonesia, some archaeologists the world were interested to investigate.

Site of Mount Padang is a sign that Indonesia has a much more advanced civilization than civilization in the other hemisphere. In the span of 2010-2014, it was revealed that Mount Padang is a historical site resembling the Pyramid.

Pyramid Mount padang have the size 9 times greater compared Borobudur. The site is supposedly built 16,000 BC, and much older than the pyramids in Egypt there. Stone at Mount Padang is not just any rock. Almost all the rocks there have geometric shapes, not just a mere boulder.

The average stone shaped beam extending there. Imagine how powerful that ancient people could carve stone to shape the beam with a neat piece. In the old days, people say this site is a place of worship that looks punden with 5 levels.

To get there, tourists can via two roads to get to the top of Mount Padang. After paying the entrance fee of Rp 2,000, please choose between the path of pilgrimage or tourist track. It is said that the pilgrimage route is to use the original route that the ancient people to worship with the slope reaches 60 degrees. As for the tourist track is equipped with a staircase with railing that is considered more secure.

At the top, the stone was found not only the shape of the beam, there are pentagonal, oval, stone pillar or monument was used as a menhir invoke the spirit of the ancestors. In fact there are some rocks that resembled Cleaver weapon, as well as the stone with mold tread tigers and stone that can make sounds when we are at.(iberita)

Are you interested in visiting there? Please try! Indonesia Awesome

Prambanan : The Beautiful Hindu Temple in the World

Prambanan is the masterpiece of Hindu culture of the 10th century. The building is slim and 47 meters tall create incomparable architectural beauty.

Prambanan is the extraordinarily beautiful building that was built in the 10th century during the reign of two kings, and Rakai Rakai Pikatan Balitung. 47 meters tall (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire of the founder, show Hindu triumph in Java. This temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center, in the middle of the area that is now a beautiful park.

There is a legend that always told the Java community about this temple. Once upon a time, a man named Bandung Bondowoso loved Jonggrang. Because of his love, Jonggrang asked Bondowoso make 1000 temples with statues in one night. The request was nearly fulfilled Jonggrang asked the villagers to pound rice and make a big fire that created an atmosphere like the morning. Bondowoso who only completed 999 statues cursed Jonggrang into the statue-1000 because he felt cheated.
Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva. The third temple is the symbol of the Hindu Trimurti. The third temple was facing east. Each main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west, namely Nandini for Shiva, Swan to Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. In addition, there are two temples wedge, 4 temples of the screen, and 4 temples corner. In the second there are 224 temples.

Entering the Shiva temple located in the middle and the highest building, you will find a room 4.. One main room contains a statue of Shiva, while the other 3 rooms each containing a statue of Durga (Shiva's wife), Agastya (Shiva's teacher), and Ganesha (son of Shiva). Durga is touted as the statue Jonggrang in the legend above.
In the Vishnu Temple is located in the north of the temple of Shiva, you will only see one room containing a statue of Vishnu. Brahma temple, which is located south of Shiva temple, you will only find one room with a statue of Brahma.

Quite attractive accompanying temple is Garuda temple that is located near the Vishnu temple. This temple keeps a story of a half-bird named Garuda. Garuda is a mystical bird in Hindu mythology, who was gold, white face, red wings, beak and wings like eagles. It is estimated that the figure is Hindu adaptation of Bennu (means 'rises' or 'shining', usually associated with the god Re) in ancient Egyptian mythology or Phoenix in Old Greek mythology. Garuda can save his mother from the curse of Aruna (Garuda is born handicapped brother) by stealing Tirta Amrita (holy water of the gods).

The ability to save was admired by many people until now and used for various purposes. Indonesia used it to sign the country. That said, the creator of the emblem of Garuda Pancasila find inspiration in this temple. Other countries also use it to sign the country is Thailand, for the same reason but adaptation forms and different appearance. In Thailand, Garuda is known as Krut or Pha Krut.
Prambanan also has a load relief Ramayana story. According to experts, the relief is similar to the Ramayana story is revealed through oral traditions. Another interesting relief is Kalpataru tree that the Hindu religion is considered as the tree of life, sustainability and environmental compatibility. In Prambanan, relief of Kalpataru tree is described as flanking lions. The existence of this tree makes experts consider that the 9th century had wisdom to manage its environment.

Just like Garuda, Kalpataru is now also used for various purposes. In Indonesia, Kalpataru became a symbol Environmental Forum (WALHI). In fact, some scientists in Bali to develop the concept of Tri Hita Karana for environmental conservation by seeing Kalpataru relief in this temple. The tree of life can also be found in the mountains that used to open the puppet arts. A proof that the relief panels in Prambanan has worldwide.

If careful, you can also see various birds relief, this time a real bird. Bird reliefs at Prambanan so natural that biologists can identify their genus. One was relief Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) that question. Why, the bird was actually only in Masakambing Island, an island in the Java Sea. Then, what kind it was once widely available in Yogyakarta? Please find out the answer yourself. Because, until now no one person who can solve the mystery. Indonesia Awesome

5 Places In Indonesia Similar With Places In Other Countries

Indonesia was very spacious. Even more widespread than we think. In addition, Indonesia is also rich in culture and has a beautiful nature. If you notice, there are a few places in Indonesia where the atmosphere is similar to several tourist attractions abroad. For example, the Raja Ampat Islands landscape is very similar to Ha Long Bay in Vietnam with its cluster of islands looked stunning

Apparently, Raja Ampat is not the only place in Indonesia is similar travel abroad. There are still some other tourist places in Indonesia that atmosphere and looks like abroad

1. Sukuh, Central Java - Chichen Itza, Mexico

Sukuh Tample is a patterned Hindu temple on the slopes of Mount Lawu in Karanganyar district, Central Java. The temple is a pyramid-shaped and surrounded by a landscaped garden complex is very neat and cool air. The temple is famous for reliefs and sculptures highlight the vulgar many human sex organs

In Mexico, there is a temple which has a similar design. But size is much larger. The temple was named Chichen Itza. The building is included in the list of seven wonders of the new world set in 2007. This temple is the largest Mayan civilization in Mexico in 800 century BC

Although located in different countries, the two temples of this has a very similar design. Whether by accident or how. Clearly, both of which are buildings that have historical value

2. Raja Ampat, West Papua - Halong Bay, Vietnam

Raja Ampat is a group of islands in the province of West Papua. This place is a dream of all traveler in Indonesia, especially fans of nautical tourism. Raja Ampat has a beauty under the sea are spectacular and the marine world library with 540 types of coral, 1,511 species of fish and 700 species of molluscs. Raja Ampat is part of the Coral Triangle World.

Meanwhile, Ha Long Bay or Ha Long Bay is a bay located at the northern tip of Vietnam, near the Chinese border. The place is known to the world as a beautiful place with a cluster of islands towering limestone. This place has been designated as a world heritage site by UNESCO since 1994. Ha Long Bay area has about 1,969 limestone islands which are mostly have a cave underneath
Second place, Raja Ampat and Ha Long Bay, has a great view and atmosphere are very similar. Especially when viewed from the air.

3. Monument Simpang Lima Gumul, Kediri - Arc de Triomphe, France
If you're sightseeing to Kediri, time to stop at the Simpang Lima Gumul. There is a monument that looks already very familiar. The building is similar to the Arc de Triomphe monument in Paris, France. Simpang Lima Gumul monument unveiled in 2008 esbagai a new landmark in Kediri. This monument has an area of approximately 804 m² with tiggi 25 meters. High and spacious building is a symbol of the establishment of Kediri at 25 March 804 AD.

While the Arc de Triomphe has been long we know as a monument built by Napoleon Bonaparte as a form of respect to his royal army service. Arc de Triomphe in Indonesian means Victory Gate.

4. Prambanan, Yogyakarta - Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Almost everyone knows about Prambanan Indonesia. This temple is the largest and most magnificent Hindu temple in Southeast Asia. In Yogyakarta, the temple was used as one of the leading tourist destinations and is one of the tourist icons there. Prambanan temple is a temple complex consisting of several large and small temples. This temple was built in the 9th century.

While Angkor Wat is a temple located in Cambodia. This temple is also a Hindu temple. Younger than the Prambanan temple because the temple was built in the 12th century. If the legend of Prambanan temple was built in one night, the construction of Angkor Wat done for 30 years during the reign of King Suryavarman II. Both Prambanan and Angkor Wat, both of which are UNESCO world heritage site

 5. Baluran National Park, East Java - Serengeti National Park, Africa

Baluran National Park In East Java, precisely in the area of Situbondo and Banyuwangi, there is a national park that is often referred to as a miniature Africa. The national park is Baluran National Park. This place was called as a miniature Africa because has a very broad meadows. Meadow in the park is known as the Savana Bekol.

While Africa, we know that there are some famous national park has a super wide savannas with wild animals. One of them is the Serengeti National Park. Incidentally, both in Baluran and Serengeti, though there is a mountain high-able not make the scene at both these places become more beautiful attractive. Indonesia Awesome
(source: yukpiknik)

